Best Ways To Boost Your Mental & Physical Stamina

Understanding your energy levels is essential because it can help you find the best work-life balance & stay healthy. Suppose you want to be more thoughtful about your well-being. In that case, it's a good idea to get to know how you're feeling on any given day, then adjust accordingly. You must keep your mental and physical health balanced to develop mighty stamina. We’ll outline the best ways to improve your energy through mind and body practices, so dive in!

What is stamina?

In a nutshell, stamina is the ability to sustain a prolonged physical or mental effort. Put a different way: if you have tons of energy and are productive, you will have a high stamina level in your job and everyday life.

Stamina generally reflects your overall fitness. Regarding energy, people keen on working out, hiking, yoga, and so on have increased performance compared to those who don't engage in exercise. The body of those who regularly do exercises performs efficiently at a significantly higher level. However, stamina doesn't always equate to being physically strong or enduring. It is more associated with physical perseverance.

Stamina is a well-known fitness component, especially among athletes, that allows them to continue over a specific period without exhaustion. Energy is also a significant element included in contests. Aside from the ability to keep going, it allows you to perform at a maximum function. Though, not only athletes are the ones needing endurance for their competitions. You need it as well, and you need it to do well in your everyday life and your job!

girl exercising

Stamina and its effects on your productivity

Physically fit and energized people are more focused on their tasks. Thus, increased energy levels would help you perform better in the designated position. Research by University of Nebraska scientists shows that increased stamina improves our mental well-being.

As an individual keen on succeeding in your chosen job or career path, stamina is essential to increase your work performance. It is necessary for your journey towards competence and confidence!

Once you move from one level to another, be it your career or personal goals. The tasks and responsibilities increase as you become more invested in your job or career. High job involvement could cause physical and mental exhaustion. Hence, the need for stamina rises along with your positions and responsibilities.

Stamina levels may improve your brain performance

Stamina is an essential component in your job performance because if you don't have enough energy, you may become exhausted too fast. The tendency to experience burnout is always possible when you are genuinely dedicated to your career and are in it for the long run. According to studies, fatigue is one of many other signs of mental depletion. But if you develop increased stamina, it may significantly decrease your risk for exhaustion and burnout.

woman holds telephone

Train your mind to focus and prioritize the important things in your career and job. Focusing is another essential skill for gaining new learning and carrying out tasks. You can also develop mental stamina along with physical vitality. The higher capacity you have to give your best at work, the more things you can master and achieve.

Stamina is essential because when an opportunity knocks and lacks energy, you may throw the chances of succeeding away. Aside from the options and possibilities of winning, keeping up with your work's responsibilities and demands may not be met with insufficient stamina. In just a blink of an eye, you may compromise the career you worked hard for so long.

Remember that if you want to become a good leader, don't work until you experience exhaustion and burnout. Instead, learn to pace yourself and develop the stamina to keep you going. You should ensure that you can carry out your tasks without compromising your physical and mental health.

Try & observe: start improving your stamina with helpful practices

Since there are numerous ideas available for you to choose from, trying them and observing the results would be the best option. When you’ve chosen the stamina-boosting practice, give yourself some time to test it. Observe the effects it brings to your energy. Did it improve your stamina? Did your work performance progress even just a little? These questions are essential to know if the practice is working for you.

a notebook

Step 1. Choose the relevant stamina-boosting practice

Imagine going through a trial and error method. You must try one physical activity to see if it solves the issue. If the one you choose doesn't work for you, discontinue it and try another one. The trial goes on until you find what works for you the best. Through trial and error, eliminate the irrelevant options that don't serve their purpose for you. Repeat this cycle to achieve your target results when you find an appropriate solution.

For example, upon trying all the available suggestions from this blogpost, you found that engaging in cardiovascular exercises such as running or aerobics brings out the best in your stamina. You noticed that your body and mind felt better when you started this exercise. Hence, you may already eliminate all other options unless you find another one that also suits you.

You may also utilize two or more solutions simultaneously. If cardiovascular exercises and having a healthy diet work better, improving your stamina may be used in combination. The trick is finding the best solutions for you. Best doesn't necessarily mean just a single option — you may use combinations for maximal effect.

Step 2. Start small & don’t push your limits for better results

Incorporating your chosen solution into your daily activities doesn't need to be drastic. There is no problem if you start with minor changes. Try to take it slowly until you master the solution.

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An example would be engaging in cardiovascular exercises. You may start with a ten-minute cardiovascular exercise once a day. You can increase the following day by twenty minutes, and so on. You don't have to start with one hour of cardiovascular exercises on your first day. That would only lead to more trouble, don't you think?

It's essential to prepare yourself for the activity. Don't force yourself to engage in an hour of cardiovascular exercises if you haven't enough power. Doing it just for the record will only bring exhaustion and stress, so you won't achieve the sole purpose.

Step 3. Follow the schedule & evaluate your progress

Once you have established the best solution, try to follow a particular schedule. Planning will help you stick with your routine and focus on the most important goals. Following a plan may also lead to a more organized and focused day. It improves mental health because you have more time to relax, reducing anxiety.

Lastly, after establishing a well-planned routine, do weekly or monthly evaluations of your progress. It is essential to assess your progress to monitor if your chosen solutions effectively improve your stamina. The evaluation process is crucial to know which parts of your solution aren't working for you. It can help you identify which areas you need to prioritize.

woman is writing a weekly schedule

Once you have chosen what stamina-boosting exercise works for you, focus on improving your career and job performance. Evaluation is crucial in attaining all the goals you have set in your chosen path.

Now let's take a closer look at how you can increase your energy level, endurance, and efficiency at work. Spoiler alert - you'll be shocked how stamina affects your performance.

Meditation: a practice to turn your stamina around

In recent years, we have seen the trend of integrating wellness practices in the workplace and modern life. Constant work pressure and the increasingly competitive market lead to higher emotional and physical exhaustion levels, not to mention living amidst the global pandemic.

Work-induced stress is equal for both men and women – although women report much higher stress levels, men aren't far behind. Total Brain's recent survey said that working women's depressed mood had increased 83% versus 36% for men. The same study found that working women’s anxiety levels have increased 52% since February 2020, versus 29% among men.

woman is meditating

Encouraging mental health practices goes beyond individual welfare. For instance, meditation among teams and workgroups develops stronger bonds among employees, increases productivity, and leaves employees eager to work and contribute. With these challenges, achieving harmony between work and personal life has never been crucial to promoting your overall well-being.

Meditation traces back to ancient tradition and religion. It has less to do with faith but more about getting a better perspective, increasing consciousness, and observing without judgment.

Benefits of meditation on your body and mind:

1. Strong Immune System

Everyday pressures at home and work could cause chronic stress (prolonged feeling of anxiety) and negatively affect your health. In turn, tensions stimulate the sympathetic nervous system triggering cortisol levels in the brain, resulting in neurological symptoms such as memory loss, fatigue, insomnia, and depression.

When your body is relaxed and at ease through meditation, the body stops releasing stress hormones. Furthermore, it increases activity in certain parts of the brain that act as command centers for the immune system. Consequently, this also lowers your blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen consumption and helps you get better sleep.

Woman ois sitting on the floor and meditating

2. Emotionally Sound Mind

While the body reaps great benefits through meditation, the brain is where it indeed does its work. The amygdala is the brain region that regulates concentration, memory, and emotions. Simultaneously, the DMN (Default Mode Network) is the active brain part when you aren't actively thinking. In simpler terms, it is responsible for distracting, wandering thoughts. Increased activity of this part of your brain could heighten levels of fear, stress, and anxiety and, if left unchecked, could also lead to depression.

Both amygdala and DMN react to meditation by shrinking, decreasing their activity. Daily meditations calm your mind and emotions and, in turn, give you a more positive outlook on life.

Stressors are surrounding us that creates a constant strain on our life. However, you must find a way to separate the negativity from the good things that happen to you. Maintaining a positive attitude while dealing with the stress of your work responsibilities may be difficult. Here are some tips that may help manage the stress you experience from your work or career.

Tips on how to manage stress during the working day

  • Establish boundaries

To avoid unnecessary stress in your career and work, you must master the art of saying "no" to people. It may be challenging to say "no," but it is essential for your well-being. As beginners, we may tend to become people-pleasers. We want people to like us so much up to the point that we can't reject favors other people ask.

woman is working on the computer
Boundaries are helpful because they will remind you that there is nothing wrong with putting yourself first. Letting the activities and tasks come second may be a great way to unload all your stress and help you bounce back more robust and motivated.

  • Release all the stress

Finding an outlet outside your career is crucial to releasing all your stress. Vent out to people outside your work environment – peers who share the same mindset as you. Having mates who have your back can help you get through the most challenging situations in your life. You get to release all the pent-up frustration and worries through venting out. In a way, this lessens your tendency to experience burnout.

  • Learn to take control

When problems arise, they seem impossible to solve at first. Learn how to take control of those problems. Instead of thinking negatively, find feasible solutions to work the issue out. Controlling the situation could reduce your stress.
Use different problem-solving techniques for the difficulties you face at work. They may help you come up with numerous solutions for that particular problem. It may seem unsolvable, but your mindset considerably affects your capability to solve those issues. Take control, and you will feel less stressed and anxious.

Take action now:

  • Start meditating. As meditation strengthens your immunity and calms your mind, consider taking at least 15 minutes to ponder in silence. Gradually, you'll feel the harmony this activity gives you.
  • Release stress. Sometimes we just need to talk about our problems or run a mile around our residential area to relieve stress. If you feel like crashing your laptop or screaming at your friend - try to calm down and talk out your problems first.
  • Make your social life comfortable. Surrounded by hundreds of people daily, you should avoid unnecessary social stress. So make sure you establish your boundaries and take control of situations.

woman is feeling stressed working on the computer

Cardiovascular exercises to improve your stamina

Improving your stamina also relies much on how you treat your body. Are you physically active? Do you perform exercises? What kind of activities do you do? Does it work on your body type? These questions are essential in building a healthy body that leads to a healthy mind. Once you achieve this, it will bear fruit in your career development.

However, engaging in physical activities is just easier said than done. It may be challenging to maintain, especially with a hectic work schedule. However, one of the biggest reasons you may discontinue engaging in physical programs is the lack of interest. If you don't find the physical activity fun and engaging, the chances of stopping can be pretty high.

Choose the exercise adjusted to your capabilities and needs

Before you begin, it is vital to select the training that will inspire you and push you to become better. Some exercises may be too easy or difficult for you. But fret no more because you can choose among many physical activities, ranging from different sports to other types of exercises.

It is good to consult a professional when choosing the appropriate exercise for you and your body type. Many people work out but still cannot see the difference it makes in their bodies, minds, and performances. Don't let this happen to you. Consider various factors that may come into play, such as age, metabolism, and gender.

woman is working out

Your workout personality is another thing to consider when picking the appropriate type of physical activity. According to the schedule, some people who prefer to exercise alone are more likely to engage in solo sports. Such activities include hiking, biking, or running. Others who choose group activities or competitions are likelier to visit the gym and enter intramural leagues.

Cardiovascular exercises, also known as endurance or aerobic exercise, are a broad set of physical activities. It comes in any form of workout that makes use of aerobic metabolism. When you perform cardiovascular exercises, your body's cellular reactions heavily utilize the oxygen needed to maintain the said physical activity.

Since this category is a broad one, some examples of cardiovascular exercises include:

  • walking
  • running
  • jogging
  • swimming
  • dancing
  • cycling
  • jumping rope
  • mountain climbing
  • hiking.

Those are some examples, but many other exercises are under this category. They can also divide into high-impact, low-impact, or no-impact cardiovascular exercises.

As mentioned earlier, you should try the best cardiovascular exercise for you. Determine which practices match your personality, work schedule, and preferences. Make sure you pick the cardiovascular activity that works the best for you – the one that enhances your stamina. Hence, you become more motivated in your career and job.

woman is exercising

Strength training to energize your body

Strength training involves engaging in exercises that apply resistance against the muscles. The muscles then need to exert a force to resist the applied tension. Perform strength training to build muscle mass, endurance, stamina, and strength. While doing such exercises, the body must endure the resistant force applied to the target muscles.

However, this must not go over what can be tolerated by the body. Instead of building strength that you can use for your career, it can lead to impaired productivity. You must learn to gauge which physical activities you can do and which are difficult for you.

Strength trainings: a mindful approach leads to boosted energy

The strength training program includes around 8 to 10 exercise programs targeting the body's large muscle groups. You don't need to perform this daily. Usually, twice or thrice a week is already enough. Overdoing this physical activity would produce the opposite of what you aim for, leaving you exhausted and sluggish.

You may think you still need to apply for a gym membership to undergo this physical activity. It's one of the available options, but note that you can perform strength training even in the comfort of your own home. It is also good to find people who share the same goal as you do. Their support will help you achieve long-term sports goals.

Girls are exercising

As the nervous system adapts to the physical exercise you do, it also recruits more muscle fibers. When you continuously perform this physical activity, your muscle growth may already be noticeable. You will significantly improve your strength, tone, and stamina.

Take action now:

  • Start with the simplest activities. It's challenging to start exercising right away like a pro. So start with something familiar to you - try walking in the park after work, choose a long way home, or go cycling on weekends with your mates.
  • Perform exercises within your limits. Go easy on yourself and know when to stop the workout.