Create a Morning Routine That Turns on Your Productivity

Which one of us didn't open the eyes in the morning with a groan "Give me five more minutes"? But time is short, so you wake up gloomy and sluggish as a zombie and crawl to the bathroom. Does this sound like a perfect morning? Not likely. The chances are that after such a morning, you'll end up being fatigued and snappish till the end of your day. Studies show people with no morning routine even earn $12,000 less than those who stick to it.

So what can you do about it ā€” how to turn a few hours of the depressing morning into an inspiring and energy-boosting time that'll keep your motivation flying high? Dive in our article and learn how to make a morning routine that works!

Why is morning the best time to tune in for a successful day?

Be you a morning person or not, a few hours after waking up still set the mood for the whole day ahead. Find some time to meditate or cook your favorite breakfast meal after getting up. Then it'll be easier for you to give your best at work and find the motivation to stay on top of your performance.

A women waking up early in the morning

Meanwhile, suppose you hate all these waking-ups, morning exercises, and restorative practices. In that case, you won't be able to gather your thoughts and show outstanding results at the workplace.

Every morning gives you a chance to start the day differently ā€” in a way that will enhance your productivity and make you more positive in any circumstances. You wake up full of energy, and your mind is clear ā€” that's why morning is a fertile ground for any healthy habit you want to develop. As for Oxford Learning research, your brain is sharpest after waking up, so it's easier to start a meaningful lifestyle with the sunrise.

Did you ever feel like your self-control slowly melted during the day? When a short workout session is a piece of cake in the morning and an impossible feat in the afternoon. There's a reason for it ā€” scientists claim your willpower gets depleted with time, especially if youā€™re working hard during the day. Think of it as a muscle: after using it for too long, it becomes weak and needs rest. Your self-control works the same way ā€” that's why it's easier to grow healthy habits in the morning.

Successful people's mornings: how do they do it?

If you're still unsure if you need all these routines, let's look at how the world's most successful people manage their mornings (spoiler: their habits are pretty simple). They all agree morning routines strongly influence their productivity and play a significant role in their success. Who knows, maybe by adopting one of their habits, you will get closer to your achievements too.

A woman meditation in her bedroom to make a good morning routine

Cameron Diaz, the famous actress and author, starts her day by drinking plenty of water (1 liter or 33 oz of liquid). She says it helps her maintain a high energy level throughout the day and rehydrate her body after eight hours without water. Oprah and Jeff Bezos sleep no less than eight hours and wake up without an alarm. Both claim getting up according to your internal clocks is healthier and not so stressful.

In a nutshell, almost all successful people's mornings are alike. 21DayHero research has studied the morning habits of 60 CEOs, actors, world leaders, and writers to find the link between their success and early habits, and results were stunning. They found 65% of big-cheese people work out in the morning, be it a short warm-up, yoga, stretching, or a running session. Bill Gates and Gwyneth Paltrow are among those who begin their day by moving their body.

Meanwhile, more than 38% of successful people check their email or complete a few work tasks. It can be planning or answering urgent messages ā€” any brain activity in the early morning stimulates further productivity. Arianna Huffington, an author and a co-founder of Huffington Post, is answering emails in the morning to turn on her productivity for the day.

A man checking his email inbox in the morning

And when do successful people wake up? Surprisingly, they're pretty consistent with the time to open their eyes in the morning ā€” more than 86% wake up no later than 7 am. Besides, successful people are big fans of wholesome breakfast: 89% eat their morning meals. As you see, you can achieve success with minor changes.

Habits that will turn on your productivity in the morning

Now you're probably curious which morning habits you should develop to become as rich and productive as Elon Musk. Keep calm because there's no magic pill for every cure and no single healthy habit for every person. What works for Elon wouldn't necessarily work for you.

That's why you should pick and develop those habits that match your lifestyle, health demands, and character. Let's look at the list of healthy morning habits below so you can think which one will suit you best.

Wake up early in the morning

Getting up with the lark can be challenging for night owls who like to get more zzz's every morning. Still, you should reconsider such a habit if you have it since early risers have a powerful boost to productivity compared to late risers. Survey results prove that you can also increase the quality of your sleep, social life, and health by getting up early.

Imagine, those who wake up before sunrise can be 20% more productive than other people. So if you want to stay on top of your work performance, early rising may be the first step towards a productive life. And here's why waking up at the same time every morning will make you even more efficient and healthy.

Drink water after waking up

It may appear like a healthy habit with minor impact, but drinking water is crucial for your wellbeing. Pinnacle Care research shows consuming water after waking up helps turn on your metabolism, strengthens immunity, and prevents heartburn.

A man drinking water in the morning

And as for other research, drinking water also increases the red blood cells' population rate, which allows your body to produce more energy. Just one glass will be enough to start an energizing day and replenish your fluid balance. You can add a lemon slice to your morning water for an extra antioxidant boost.

Warm-up or workout for some time

After laying in your bed in the same position, your muscles may sore and ache due to limb swelling. That's why there's nothing better for boosting your energy in the morning than a short warm-up.

Numerous studies have proved exercising in the morning increases your overall physical activity. It also boosts short-time memory and promotes cortisol production to make you alert and awake. After all, a couple of vigorous movements will help you disperse the blood throughout your body and deliver more energy to all your limbs and brain.

Practice short meditations

Instead of scrolling your social media feed after waking up (which may induce excessive stress), try to meditate and prepare your mind for a productive day. Just a few minutes of mindfulness meditation may help you feel the moment and its soleness. Research claims meditations improve your thinking skills and give you the groundwork for a stable nervous system.

You can also try meditation techniques like positive affirmations or visualizations. Sit down calmly a bit and try to think how amazing it's to be alive, then you can set yourself up for a productive day. Visualize how you'll complete all your plans and then enjoy some time with your family or your hobby. After that, you'll find it easier to manage any obstacles. Here you can find more easy-to-follow meditation practices for a busy lifestyle.

Get your morning meal

Despite the intermittent fasting popularity, breakfast is still an essential part of your daily productivity. Foods provide glucose and carbs, which your body transforms into energy. That's why those who skip breakfasts may feel sluggish and fatigued in the middle of the day.

A healthy morning meal as a part of a morning routine

The choice of foods also matters. Aside from carbs and fats, you need to get a good dose of protein for breakfast.Ā They are involved in all aspects of bodily functions, such as digestion, metabolism, and immunity. Proteins also help with satiety - if you have a high-protein breakfast you're going to feel fuller for longer and will end up eating less food throughout the day.

So to start your day on the right foot, make sure you grab your morning meal. But be careful ā€” too hearty or low-calorie meals can cause sleepiness and may lead to overeating. If you're struggling to get a balanced breakfast, check out these best morning meal ideas for busy professionals.

Feed your mind

Not just your body needs "fuel" in the form of food to keep on moving. Your brain is demanding too when it comes to exciting news or fascinating stories. That's why reading is among the best morning routines to improve your daily brain performance. According to the studies, it boosts imagination, promotes long-term memory, and boosts your problem-solving skills.

Read a few pages of a novel or a motivating non-fiction book to tune your brain to the right mindset every morning. You can also dive into the latest tech-related or scientific news to broaden your horizons and keep abreast of the innovations. Meanwhile, try not to look into hot political or economy news, since they could make you depressed and anxious for the rest of your day.

Tips for making a morning routine that works

When you've decided which habit can fit in your schedule and lifestyle, there's not so much left to do. The only thing that may seem complicated is sticking to the morning routines daily. But with our practical tips, you'll develop new healthy habits in no time and without struggling too much.

  1. Go to bed earlier. Try to plan your day in such a way that you'll finish all assignments and housework before 10 pm. Then you'll have an hour to prepare yourself to sleep and will manage to wake up earlier daily without an eerie desire to nod off for some more time.
  2. Track your progress. Get a particular tracker for the habits you want to develop and mark your progress each day. It will help you feel how productive and energized you become with each passing day.
  3. Reward yourself. Even small rewards stimulate endorphin production in your brain and make you more motivated on the root of achieving goals. When you manage to repeat your habit seven days in a row, reward yourself with a new book or a cinema ticket.
  4. Start small. For instance, if you want to warm up every morning, don't push yourself too hard. Begin with 3-4 minute simple exercises and gradually increase their duration and complexity. If you'll instantly force yourself to workout hard, it will only stress you and may even harm your tissues.
  5. Try habit stacking. You'll find it easier to develop new habits if you stack them with an already existing routine. It will help your brain to create a stronger connection between ritual and your behavior. If you drink a cup of coffee every morning, link your new habit of reading to it. You can read a few pages while sipping it ā€” and that's how your new routine develops.
  6. Choose the right motives. The critical thing in developing new habits is to understand the reason why you're doing it. Such explanations like "because my boss told me so" or "because my friends do so" are not working ā€” they provide only short-term motivation. And if your motive is "to become healthier and successful" or "to achieve your bravest dreams," then you're on the right path! Keep moving on and see how your life changes for the better right before your eyes.
