The sun provides the body with vitamin D, which has been found to support immunity, bone and tooth health. Still, what if you don't get enough sunlight? Vitamin D3 from Solgar is made from pure cholecalciferol for maximum absorption. Simply take one capsule per day and try to see the benefits for your bone and teeth' strength, muscle function, and immune health.
About this product
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb calcium molecules. Although we can reach vitamin D anytime since it comes to us with direct sunlight, sitting in the office until the darkness can affect how much of this vitamin you get. According to the research, 20% of people fail to get enough vitamin D daily. And when you lack this vitamin, your body's calcium level also decreases, making your bones more fragile and less dense.
What does the research say?
Vitamin D can help you increase your aerobic exercise capacity
Vitamin D can influence how energized you're throughout the day. It refers to this vitamin's ability to help your cells get more oxygen from the blood. According to the survey results, additional vitamin D taken as a supplement helped subjects with this nutrient deficiency increase their aerobic exercise capacity. Thus, this vitamin in a supplement form could be a beneficial remedy against tiredness, exhaustion, and low energy levels.
Source: US National Library of Medicine: Relation of Vitamin D Level to Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Adults
Vitamin D supports your decision-making and reasoning skills
The study has discovered low vitamin D levels link to poor mental shifting and episodic memory. In turn, people with an optimal vitamin amount in the blood show better decision-making and reasoning results. If you want to have a sharp mind and stand out from your colleagues by showing better results, try taking a vitamin D supplement to see if it will work for you.
Source: Practical Neurology: Cognitive Consequences of Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D helps maintain healthy cognition
Vitamin D also affects your brain's health and functioning. Healthy cognition is your way to stay productive without worrying about cognitive decline. Still, a study supposes low vitamin D levels can induce age-related mental disorders. This vitamin contributes to cell communication, healthy gene expression, and memory health. Having enough of it in the blood may improve your chances of successful brain aging without cognitive decline.
Source: PNAS: Vitamin D prevents cognitive decline and enhances hippocampal synaptic function in aging rats
Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption
Strong and healthy bones are essential for an active and productive life. As for the research, vitamin D is indispensable for maintaining calcium absorption in your intestine and supporting your muscles' integrity. In turn, this nutrient deficiency may weaken bone structure and, thus, lead to fractures and bone diseases like osteoporosis.
Source: US National Library of Medicine: Vitamin D and Bone Health; Potential Mechanisms
Vitamin D can help you relieve stress & boost your cognitive performance
What's great about Vitamin D is that it can boost your cognitive skills. The Practical Neurology Journal study found that additional vitamin D intake could improve mental shifts and processing speed. These skills are essential for judgment, reasoning, and decision-making. Taking vitamin D supplements may help you make a life-changing career move!
Are you struggling with poor motivation and frequent depression symptoms? Those mental issues could be a lack of vitamin D in your blood. Research has found that lacking this micronutrient may decrease serotonin hormone production, promoting happiness. In addition, taking vitamin D as a supplement may reduce calcium levels in your brain, contributing to depression development.
Source: Practical Neurology: Cognitive Consequences of Vitamin D Deficiency
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